Friday, 8 June 2012

Meeting the plants and the trees

A few days ago, I was reading words written by emily, a special piece of writing, evoking childhood, edgeless time, fixed by the taste of summer sweat, smooth bark and the itch of grass. The piece is about how we first meet the earth, feel the plants and the trees (what she calls the natural world). It planted a thought seed in my mind. I fell back into memories, sensations. Bare legs. Sunshine. Rain. Instant connections between the buzz of flies, the scent of pine, fingers tinging from white touched snow, and the body, inhabited. My memories of nature when I was a child are of a place that held me while I imagined stories, a nest to return to in moments of fear; hope sprung from daffodils.


Emily Brisse said...

I have just now grabbed a moment to check your blog. I'm so pleased that my post inspired this lovely compliation of musings. Glad we've connected in this way, Lasuza.

lasuza said...

Thanks for your message Emily. It was interesting to think about my first memories of nature, one could do the same with food, culture, groups, books... I wonder how these experiences ( one could think of them as the first paths cut in a wild forest) structure how we interact with the world as we grow older, what we retain, question, when we divert from these paths and when we tread the same tracks...

cynthia newberry martin said...

edgeless time...I love that.

lasuza said...

Thanks Cynthia. I am also loving Catching Days at the moment. Really good!