Wednesday, 31 March 2010

3. Learning about knives and thinking about objects in space

I bought these knives on a market stall last week. Their colour is my favourite green; fresh and mossy, a 1930's dulled, creamy emerald. They are also small, reduced and I like petite things, despite the fact that I am tall. I think we are all comfortable, fit with certain shapes, dimensions and places. What objects and spaces we chose (or have chosen for us) are part of who we have become, influence where we are going. These ideas evoke this artists' work. I spend a lot of time in my theatre work standing in circles. A perfect, divine, but also closed shape. These knives are hallmarked with the letters EPNS. I have discovered, this means Electro Plated Nickel Silver, a technique used to fuse silver to the top and bottom of a sheet of copper or base metal. The knives are perfect for spreading peanut butter, soft ewe's cheese and mushroom paté on toast. Their almost blunt edges and slight size means they are also perfect for chubby two year old fingers and little six year old hands. Since they've been in our possession, they've been used everyday; the little green knives are gently cutting their way into our history. Their shape fits neatly into our lives.


Susan Kruse said...

they are very lovely. nice to have a piece of history and make it part of your own history.

Amy said...

Those are beautiful. I love how write about them and what you discovered.

Jenny said...

Interesting :D

lasuza said...

Thanks for your comments Kruse, Amy and Jenny. Everyday we spread, butter and slice with the little green knives.

cynthia newberry martin said...

I love these old green knives. So lovely that you not only bought them but are using them.