Thursday, 10 June 2010

May and June

May and June. Months for growing. June brought wet, greasy rain that soaked into the dry earth. In May, the sun shone, burnt the earth desert brown. We bought bright flowers and planted out our window boxes with sweet multi-coloured petals. I sat, back bent, eyes fixed to the pixeled screen and wrote, wrote and wrote some more. I sent my dreams up into the sky and imagined fairy dust for my daughter's birthday cards. We ate summer soup for the first time; rich, spicy minestrone, speckled with barley and courgettes, fresh tomatoes blended into deep red. We swam in the freezing sea, plunging winter white skin into icy water. For seconds. May and June. Unforgettable months with surprising answers. I catch a train, run a course, sit waiting at the station in the still of the heat. While waiting for my connection, I learn that immobility and stillness are essential in the cocktail of travel and high temperatures. I rest on a chair, eat sprouted spelt bread and wait. May and June. I neglect this space, do not unpack my case, have left washing dirty and to do lists unticked. May and June. I feel like the shape of my life fits my body and soul.


Amy said...

I love your words. May and June. Such fine months.

lasuza said...

Thanks for your comment Amy. Yes, May and June, months that sing.

cynthia newberry martin said...

This is just beautiful--a prose poem rich with repeated words, brilliant images, and a rhythm all its own. I'm going to read it again now.

Marjojo said...

Your writing beautiful as ever, stirs all senses. Such attention to and appreciation of, gratitude for the minutiae of being alive. It's made me aware of my breath, this moment, sitting here, writing to you. Glad was able to pop in.

lasuza said...

Thanks Cynthia and Marjojo for your comments. It's always great to hear from you in this space. I am so happy Marjojo about your exhibition. I would so have loved to see your work. As Mien says, you make very precious things.

redredday said...

Susanna, i was so delighted to come across this post when you first had it up! i've been wanting to share this with you: May is my sister's name, whom i adore to pieces, and June is what i would like to name my child (if i have one, a daughter preferably). she will be best friends with her aunt and i will show her your beautiful writing. :).